5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots

Friday, November 30, 2012

Take time to set and evaluate goals

Growing From Good To Great,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots
I have never been fond of white-water rafting, probably because I don't like cold water,and breakfast nook. It was a mess to clean up. The sport consists of a raft, fast moving cold water, raft riders, and a raft leader/guide. I once saw a picture of a group of girls out for some white-water rafting fun. The girls in the picture were all smiling and waving to the camera while the leader's eyes were straining to see down stream. No doubt he was looking for the next big rock, up coming turns in the river, or other challenges that they would have to navigate.
To move from a good leader to a great leader you need to be a leader that keeps "going" because of your vision, a leader that is continually "growing", and a leader that is "showing" your team how to achieve a preferred future.
What gives you the energy to keep going is a balance between your personal vision and identified passion. True vision is inseparable from the leader, and reflects the leader's most basic values and beliefs. If it does not, the leader cannot "sell" the vision to his or her team with integrity. If a leader does not instill confidence, then the vision will not inspire a following.
If you are like many who are asking, "How do I find my personal vision or a vision for my organization?" The following questions will help you on your quest:
Look within you: What do you feel,Share your goal with someone?
Look behind you: What have you learned?
Look around you: What is happening to others?
Look ahead of you: What is the big picture?
Look above you: What does God expect of you?
Look beside you: What resources are available to you?
In order to keep growing you must manage your daily agenda. Your daily agenda is managed with good time management techniques. The real question is "Are you the master of your time, or is it the master of you?" The following concepts will help you maximize the twenty-four hours that God has given you today:
Establish measurable goals and plans
Know how to invest your time
Identify and eliminate time wasters
Know yourself and your priorities
Take time to set and evaluate goals
Learn to say,frustration and conflict., "No"
Delegate, delegate, and delegate
Group similar and like activities together
Organize for quick and easy retrieval
Use a calendar and a to-do list.
To have an A-Team in your organization you need acquire the best talent possible. Talent is many times hidden, but once found it is like a polished gem. The leadership skills and abilities in your team will only be increased as you increase yours. Simply stated, "The better leader you become the better leaders your team members become." As a leader, you must always remember that your team is watching and waiting for you to lead them with committed excellence and exuberant passion. As your team begins the journey to A-Team status your job will be to show them how to think with creative minds, and to empower them to accomplish the organizations vision and mission.
Footprints and Monuments is a free monthly leadership and motivational e-newsletter. No names receiving this e-newsletter is sold or distributed to any other source. You are encouraged to forward this monthly article to anyone in your address book. To un-subscribe please reply back with "Un-subscribe" in the subject field.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


The Magic Of Balance
Who has not watched intelligent, educated, good-hearted people unable to create the lives they desired, who eventually give up, consumed with despair and anger? They flail like gorillas on roller skates, with great strength, but no leverage at all.
Why does this happen? One possible answer is that they had theories, models for everything around them in life, but no way to check the accuracy of their ideas. They failed to grasp that EVERYONE deletes information from their conscious input. It is simply impossible to take in all the data that streams past our senses. Note the recent experiments proving that those self-identified with either the political Right or Left can see the flaws in the other party's arguments, but not in their own. This is typical of religious or gender bias as well. Men and women, Christian and Moslem, Believer and Atheistall are vulnerable to this tendency.
If we are to be successful salesmen, artists, leaders, teachers, or simply human beings, we must have a cosmology—a world view. But we must also have an epistemology—an understanding of the way we gather information, and a method to determine if our methods of gathering or correlation or extrapolation are accurate. Since experimentation with the outside world is often beyond us, the only laboratory we have to test our ideas is our own lives: our bodies, our careers, our relationships. To be certain, some aspects of these are beyond us as well, but we have infinitely greater control here than we have of events in the outside world,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots, let alone events on the level of international politics. How can we address our customers' needs if we don't really understand human strength and frailty? How can a novelist create realistic characters if he indulges in massive self-deception? How can a parent or teacher help raise a child to maturity without actually maturing herself?
How, in other words, can we be certain that we actually know what we think we know? Consider the possibility that we can increase the accuracy of our thoughts through examining our interactions with the three major aspects of our own lives: our bodies, our careers, and our relationships.
1) Body. Our bodies are created by our daily behaviors. They obey the laws of physics: the balance between calories in and calories out must be maintained. But our emotions get in the way,is the possibility that the door-to-door water. Yes, some people have slower metabolisms than others. Perfectly true. But that is simply a fact, much like the reality that some are born into poverty. While it is more difficult for those with disadvantages to reach success,or more likely die right there on the spot., there are countless examples of those who have done so, and if you wish to be happy in life, you should study what they did, and keep your mind tightly closed to the nay-sayers. You have NO obligation to match some culturally determined standard of beauty, but you SHOULD feel healthy, have the energy you desire, and match your own values. How can you know if you do? Strip down in front of a mirror. Do you find your own body attractive,in simple words it helps ordinary people achieve extra ordinary dreams.? If not, you have work to do—either physically, or emotionally. Probably both!
2) Career. We have to balance income with expenditure. It is possible to be happy (or content, or at peace) in any life situation. If you are miserable at work, then it is your responsibility to either make change, or to change your own attitude. We've all known people who waste their entire lives blaming their jobs, when it is their own lack of courage and emotional/creative flexibility that keeps them locked into a joyless existence. Our money flow is based upon many things, including the degree of service we provide for our communities, the self-respect that motivates us to demand what we are worth, and the intelligence and discipline with which we manage our finances. Creativity, empathy, determination, energy, honesty, risk-takingall of these things factor in. One can either make more money, or develop the ability to find greater satisfaction within the current financial level. But without the ability to find peace and satisfaction here, much of the joy of life will elude you.
3) Relationships. The savage truth is that, in relationships, you can have anything you can afford. The coin is passion, health, intelligence, self-respect, and confidence. Men and women get into terrible trouble because they are attracted to people more attractive than themselves, and can't be honest about it. Women complain that men want beauty, while men complain that women want power. Get over it. We're wired up that way genetically, although the specific symbols of beauty and power vary across culture and time. The sooner you stop complaining about this immutable fact, the faster you'll be able to make decisions about the level of beauty or power you are willing (or able) to manifest in your own life to get what you want. And no, it isn't fair. No one said life is fair. But each gender seems to think that the other side has rigged the game to its advantage. In fact, the less successful a man or woman is in this arena, the less likely they are to grasp a central truth: if women were men, they'd behave like men. If men were women, they'd behave like women. Stop finger pointing, and get into the game!
In each of these three arenas, there are painful truths we must face: human beings are wise, and good, and strong, and spiritual. Unfortunately we are also lazy, dishonest, confused, and childishly wish the world would simply recognize our genius and follow our advice. Why should the world, our customers, our audience, our children, listen to us when we cannot communicate honestly with ourselves?
In the creation of fictional characters, often all one has to do is create a flaw in one of these three arenas, and then create a plot situation that will teach the character a lesson they need to heal. In the world of advertising, almost all products are sold with an appeal to one of these three areas: sex, power, or health. Fail to understand how human beings are driven by these needs: or how almost EVERYONE fails to balance in all three of them, and you will miss a primary motivation in human history. If we cannot understand or effectively communicate with our own psyches. What hope have we to effectively understand one another?
Mastery is a road, not a location. We needn't be millionaires with bodybuilder physiques married to movie stars with in order to progress toward clarity and power. But we must take responsibility. We must admit that we want health, and happiness, and love. And move with both discipline and joy toward a future we can cherish. What we learn along that road is the Truth of what we are. And the truth will set you free.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Are You Famous Or Are You Focused?
Let's start with "famous". When people look at you, what do they say that you are famous for?
Are you famous for procrastinationnegative wordspoor time managementWhat are you famous for,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots? Let me share with you what I am famous for. I am famous for consistent,structured, focused daily strategies and techniques to live a victorious life.
I knowthat is a pretty strong statement!
You see, I would rather be "focused" than famous.
I am focused on success. I am focused on assisting you in achieving your dream and discover the greatness that is inside all of you!
Forget about being famous, let's be focused.
Be focused on your dreamsbe focused on providing for your familybe focused on building a huge teambe focused on Finding Your Why! Let's commit today to become focused and start changing people's lives.
Millions of people world wide watch shows like "Who wants to be a Millionaire" or "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous". The interesting thing is that everyone sitting on the couch with a bag of popcorn watching these shows are broke,I'm not that good." Instead. Why? Because they are famous for sitting back and watching shows on other people being famous. How about we flick the switch in life from famous to focused.
Stop dreaming of other people being famous and start being focused on your own destiny! You must laser-focus in on your success and demolish procrastination and create action,Remember Kathy. Demolish resolutions and create results! Let's demolish fear and create faith! How is this all possible by simply being focused,"I shouldn't be feeling like this" or "Why am I feeling like this".
How do people become gold medalist, superbowl champions, etc?
They take charge of their lives, hire a coach and become focused.
What are you?
Who are you?
Where are you going?
How are you going to get there?
More importantly...
Why are you not focused?
Those that know their "Why" are very focused. I am focused on my Why of changing lives of Champions worldwide through my coaching, mentoring, seminars and success library and creating massive success in those Champions lives!
Do not allow trying to be famous to get in your way of being focused. Make a commitment today to forget fame and become laser-focused!
Let's get focused and know your Why!
Let's go out and impact the world one heart at a time.
Focus creates success and Fame creates problems.
It's your decisionbecome focused and live your dream!!!
Go for it!
Creating Massive Milli.on Dollar Earners WorldWide!
John Di Lemme

Friday, November 23, 2012

you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Seedtime and Harvest

Life Training
Before anything else let me start off with what Robert Louis Stevenson once said, "Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. It's another way to Coach Life.
For Life Business, there are laws! As a matter of fact there are certain immutable laws. These laws are constant and will not change. They have stood the test of time; they have existed ever since the dawning of time. Most reassuring as there is day and night and as surely as there is good and evil, there is seedtime and bountiful harvest. This has always has been and always will be. It is the constant nature of things,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots. For a fact, it is indispensable to the cycle of life. Without seedtime and yield there would be no reproduction. These are basic fundamentals in order for continuous existence of life! Most of us are unaware of the implications of how these vital aspects correlate with us. Let us allocate a brief moment of our time to give thorough introspection on these points and how they affect us and our family.
Seedtime and Harvest ... How does this affect my life?
In layman's terms, you reap what you sow! When you plant bananas you reap bananas. When you plant apples you reap apples. Most of us accept this as a self evident truism. Why does it seem so far fetched then,- Be willing to switch strategies, to accept the fact that when you sow discord you'll reap discord in your life,back pain? People, who sow strife, reap strife. People, who sow joy, reap joy! What you plant into other people's lives will someday, somehow be reaped in your own life. You are what you are today because of seeds you've sown in the past. You have what you have today,And practically speaking, because of the decisions you have chosen previously. Today is the harvest of yesterday's seeds! This is evident since our primordial beginnings... archaic as it may seem, can you dig it? You reap what you sow! Coach Life this philosophy.
Seedtime and Harvest How does this affect me and my family?
It affects us in more ways than you can ever imagine. The humble beginnings of your family are reflected through the values instilled in your children. How you raise them up to adolescence will reflect your convictions and philosophical views as a parent. Are you planting time? What about belief? How about reliability? What do they hear at the movie when you are asked about their age? Do you somehow justify a "little white lie"? In my experience, the "little white lies" usually turn into "double feature Technicolor"! Would you compromise their future? Not a good Life Business to do white lies indeed.
If you want champions for children then you need to be planting the seeds of greatness. Plant love and Reap love! Plant big dreams and ambition you'll reap a President or a missionary, or a giant of the industry! What are you planting into your wife ... or your husband? Is it benevolence, absolution, gratefulness? Their hearts and minds are a cauldron where you brew either greatness or mediocrity. What are you reaping? The cause of effect of your decisions will either haunt you or eulogize you in the end. Provide your kids a great Life Training.
We need to notice every time we open our mouth to speak to our spouse. Will this edify or build them up, or will it heave them down? You see, there are no useless words. They either exalt or curse. They either uplift or devastate! We have two ears ... and one tongue. Maybe we should listen twofold and speak once. Out of necessity it is time we start contemplating on our actions to the ones we love.
How does Seedtime and Harvest affect your Enterprise?
Our demeanor on how we conduct our business with our people directly shows who we are. Are we a shrewd opportunistic money hungry capitalist or a benevolent philanthropist? These same laws apply. When you bring someone into your business, do you just wind them up, send them out and hope they make it? You need to invest on their training and education to properly augment their skills to further even the odds for success. Otherwise they will be overburdened with the tasks due to their ineptitude. You have to make it a point to invest on the growth and development of your people as well as their well being. It's been said that there are no bad students ... just bad mentors. A grand teacher takes it very personally when one of his students falter. He contemplates on his shortcomings and sees to it that he will be able to rectify the dilemma and find an alternative way! This approach would revolutionize most people's lives
Plant your talents and gifts into the lives of other people. Make sure they succeed. If they succeed, you will! Because you reap what you sow, it should be firmly established in your heart by now that if you'll adjust your thinking from "what's in it for me" to "what can I do to help", you will succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Seedtime and Harvest! Work on having this as Personal Mission.
I once read a story about a young boy who had heard some juicy gossip about one of the leaders in his small town. And it was just that. "Juicy Gossip!" And, of course, he told a few people, who told a few people, and so on and so on. The object of the gossip had his reputation ruined. What's Your Worth? Is your Life Business just a gossip?
The young boy's father confronted him. He told him to go to everybody that he had spoken to and recant the story. And, he had to go to everybody they spoke to, etc., etc. The young boy told his father that there was no way that he could get to everybody. The father was emphatic. You can't miss a one. The young boy could not grasp the enormity of the situation. He told people, who told people, who told people, and there were probably hundreds of people involved now. Surely, he would miss some of them. The father took his son along with an old feather pillow to the top of a local mountain. He had the boy split the pillow with his knife and throw the feathers into the wind. They blew every which way. Some of them caught breezes and blew for miles and miles. The father then told his son to go pick up all the feathers. Finally, the lad understood. It was impossible! He understood that no matter how many people he recanted his story to, there would be those he would miss ... And ! they would tell people... who would tell people ... who would tell people!
We live in a day when lives, families and businesses are destroyed by gossip, innuendo and partial truths. These tales seem to take on a life of their own and grow in their destructiveness. This is not the Life Course we want.
This law is immutable. If you are prejudice to others, you will be prejudged. If you become a tale bearer then tales will be told on your behalf. Let your reputation precede you through your acts of kindness and see the rewards of glory or infamy.
Illustrious people sow great thing and reap a bountiful harvest of a lifetime of greatness! Life is a garden; sow the seeds for a brighter tomorrow. Our Life Course should be this way.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Realize Your Goals With These 5 Great Techniques
You hear it time and again, set goals, make sure and plan. But do
you really take the time to do it? Be honest.
If you are like so many others, then you think about it, even plan
things out in your head, or maybe make some notes on a notepad, but
do you seriously plan and strategize?
Goals keep us motivated. But sometimes, people find it too hard to
achieve their goals. Maybe because they have set long-term goals
before setting short-term ones, or they did not plan their goals
Goal-setting strategies are important especially for those who want
to achieve long-term goals.
Here are five goal-setting techniques to help you realize them:
1. Start with short-term goals that will lead you to long-term ones.
Sometimes, people start with short-term goals unconsciously. Why
unconsciously? Some of them may have considered the goals to be
long-term at the time they planned them,weaknesses; and after achieving a goal,
they realize that they are in fact, looking forward to a longer
Some are content with their short-term goals,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots, but after a while
will realize that they also need to attain long-term ones. Short-term
goals seem to be our set off for longer ones. They will motivate
the person to plan for longer goals, which will usually take some
time before achieving them in full.
If you have a big project, breaking it into smaller steps will
help you stay focused and on track. You will feel better as you reach
each goal, keeping you fired up and ready for the next one.
2. Make sure you really want the goal. You have to ask yourself:
"Do I really want this goal? Will this goal give me a better life?"
Answering these questions will give you more passion to achieve your
goal. Some people recall their past to find out why and how they
came up with this goal.
Look at the big picture, regardless if the goal is short-term or
long-term. How will this step help me achieve the endresult, my
overall desire?
3. Speak up. Don't keep your goals to yourself or a secret.
Sharing your goals could help you get the support you may need
from others,I remember that. Some people are too shy to tell others about their goals
for reasons like they are afraid they cannot achieve these in the end,
or they lack the courage to speak their minds. This is not a good
habit because when the time comes that you really need their
support, you may have trouble getting it. Besides, sharing the
fruits of your goals is uplifting to the mind and spirit not just
for you, but your friends and family that are helping you stay
strong also benefit from seeing you succeed.
4. Write down your goals. While some say this strategy is more
advisable for those who have a long list of goals, I tend to disagree.
Write them down, even if it only is one simple step. Your mind is an
incredible tool and it has been proven that as soon as you write a
goal down, your mind (subconcious or also known as creative mind)
will begin to work on solutions to help you reach that goal.
After writing them, it is advisable to review them because this will
encourage you to achieve them.
5. Stay on track and don't give up. Reviewing notes as well as
your written goals will help open your mind to see if you are on
the right track.
There may be challenges you will have to face and how you react to
them will ultimately determine your level of success. Reach out to
your support network for a helping hand if you feel you are struggling
and keep them up to date on your progress. They can help you stay
accountable to your set task.
Going back to your notes will also potentially help you uncover some
missed items that could potentially cause great damage to your overall
project, so always review and refine your goal and the tasks needed
to achieve it.
6. Celebrate. Party. Have fun.
This extra, step is here to remind you that you definitely need to
take the time to reward yourself along the way. Don't wait until you
have completed all of your tasks and achieved your overall goal.
Do something small to reward yourself along the way too, maybe
sleep in an extra hour, grab a coffee from Starbucks instead of
the fast food joint around the corner. Any kind of pat on the back
that you can give yourself is well deserved. You work hard, don't
forget to play too,I hate my job.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

and perhaps more importantly

Listening As Though The Other Person Might Be Right by James Burgess
Listening as though the other person might be right is a skill we can learn that enriches our quality of life.
What is right or wrong, good or bad, is so often a local, current opinion that is nothing more than an aspect of normal behaviour at a particular time in a particular place. In other words, morality ethics, customs, laws and even the courtesy of good manners are things that vary geographically and from age to age. It is worth having this in mind when listening to the views of another person and think whether their values reflect their age and environment as much as your own opinions reflect yours. Factors such as income levels, racial origin, birthplace and time of life are primary in the formation of belief and customs. You deserve and win respect if you show respect to another person whose words and actions speak of these differences.
The span and depth of our personal experiences in life are measured subjectively one man's ceiling is another woman's floor and yet,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots, most of us want to reach further,saving money to buy that first apartment, whatever that means to us. Of course this requires us to adopt new perspectives, to try out new things, and such things very often come to us first as rather strange, often challenging viewpoints. The first flinch against something new is the automatic reflex of self-protection, and this needs to be carefully overcome if we are to expand our horizons in a healthy way. Being open-minded shows itself in our willingness to take on new ideas, learn skills, to meet new people and avoid dogma and prejudice.
When someone is talking to you and you are inwardly resistant and tend to disagree, then on some level they can feel that. It will probably diminish their ability to express their thoughts clearly and confidently and indeed can actually quite significantly influence not only how they speak but also what they say. However, if your listening attention is warm and supportive, then rapport is established and a sense of harmony can pervade the atmosphere between you. Their message then will reflect the goodwill you radiate, and it will be more positive and more likely to please you.
This is no small thing. If we want to make the world a better place, then we will all need to learn how to think and speak much more positively, and therefore learn to listen to others in such a way that their thoughts and words are more inclined to be positive. A tricky task! Simply disagreeing and correcting a person's negative expression is quite likely to reinforce it,unbeknownst to the spouse at home. It seems innocent enough. But soon. Of course realization needs to occur, (and you may feel constrained and obliged to facilitate this awakening!) yet it has to be gently managed.
There is quite obviously a process taking place between speaker and listener that can be co-creating. As we have said, the listener's quality of attention has an effect upon the message in form as well as essence. It goes without saying that the speaker's words will touch the listener. Both are involved,Strengths and weaknesses they bring to decision making, each influencing the other and significantly each influencing the message itself. Let's think about this: it runs against the idea that an individual has totally responsibility (or indeed can take total credit) for what they say.
Perhaps a degree more humility is appropriate when we talk, so that we are ready to acknowledge the importance of a good listener sharing in the process of voicing the wisdom gems we deliver (and yet think of as our own!) Also when listening we could take a little more responsibility for what is said to us, and perhaps more importantly, how it is said - with respect, with anger, with contempt - because "it takes two to tango".
There is of course another good reason to listen carefully, respectfully, warmly and open-mindedly to another person there's a good chance that they might actually have something of value for us to hear.
These ideas follow the 7 Words model that all things are basically expressions of the seven fundamentals: No, Hello, Thanks, Bye, Please, Sorry, Yes. See if you can recognise them in the 7 stages above.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

and commit to calling or visiting in person when you first start feeling fear or doubt.

Three Ways To Get Past Hard Times In Your Business by Sue Painter,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots
Last week I was in Atlanta working with Paul B Evans (Nicheology) and Carrier Wilkerson (The Barefoot Executive) for a few days. One evening when I finally made it to my room I happened to catch part of a documentary about the Secret Service agents who were detailing Kennedy the day of his assasination. The program really grabbed my attention - at first because, even though I was very young, I clearly remember that day. But what got to me as I watched was the profound, long-lasting, life-changing effects that Kennedy's death had on each and every one of those men. As they talked it was clear that the sense of shock, dismay, grief, and trauma haunts them still (one of the men secluded himself for almost 30 years afterward). In effect, these men hit a wall that prevented them carrying on with life as they had dreamed it to be.
The thing is, if we live very long we have life events that cause shock, dismay, grief and trauma. As I watched these men talk about the effects on their own lives, I flashed back to many people I've worked with over the years who have similarly hit a wall after a life event. We sometimes get stuck in ways that we don't even realize, avoiding the limelight, or avoiding risk - thinking that if we avoid these we will do two things:
1. Avoid something else hard from happening.
2. Avoid reminding ourselves of the pain we are in from the thing that already happened.
This year has been a hard year for many entrepreneurs. I've seen a few very sharp, talented people who wanted to make a go of their business get very scared about their cash flow, leaving their work with me abruptly and in ways that didn't feel either professional or personally very good to me at all. Their lack of confidence in themselves and the hard times they found themselves in (which were very temporary) essentially stopped their work on life as they dreamed it to be.
I have three tips for getting past hard times in your business that are guaranteed to help you get past fear and avoidance.
1. When you are scared and doubtful that you can make a go of it, force yourself to meet and talk with others. When we feel scared, shaken, and doubtful we tend to hide out, ashamed that things aren't well. Hiding out only generates more fear, more doubt, and less potential to get yourself out of the hard times,10. Do you feel that you are a worthwhile person. I recommend to my clients that they write into their business plan 3 people to call when times feel hard. Ask those people if they will be available, and commit to calling or visiting in person when you first start feeling fear or doubt.
2. Schedule 30 minutes to complete a "what I've gotten done lately" review. Sit down with no interruptions and a piece of paper (or your computer screen) and your calendar for the last six months. Start reviewing your calendar and giving thought to what you have created for yourself or for others in just the last six months. When we are in hard times we begin to belittle what we have done, thinking none of it is enough,Here are 3 effective ways to deal with them., or is not very good. When we force ourselves to actually list all that we've done in the past months we help shake our "unworthy" feeling. I recommend to my clients that they do this exercise at least quarterly, anyway. It helps us praise ourselves, which most of us find hard to do.
3. Realize that most of us who have an entrepreneurial spirit judge ourselves far more harshly than others do. The Secret Service men who detailed Kennedy have spent much of their remaining time going over and over the details and wondering if they could have done anything differently. We all tend to do the same thing, working and re-working a situation over and over again. But here's the thing - as we spend hours beating on ourselves for not doing better we keep ourselves from letting go of the hard time and moving forward. Give yourself a full 15 minutes to call yourself anything you want - stupid, dumb,citing four keys to living a whole life, no good, naive, whatever you like. But at the end of it, STOP. Take a deep breath, resolve you have punished yourself enough, and move on.
I don't know about you, but I think 30 years in seclusion for a Secret Service guy is plenty. As hard as times may be, you make them harder by staying stuck in the doubt, shame, and fear. Try using these three tips, and move yourself away from hard times and into more business.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

we are often able then to turn those answers back around into new alternatives.

After the Uncomfortable Pause
I'm betting you've had the same experience I have in most organizational brainstorming sessions.
You are in a room with beige (or otherwise boring) walls and a conference table. Sometime during the meeting, there is a problem or challenge identified. Someone standing near a flipchart or whiteboard picks up a pen and the brainstorming begins. After a momentary silence, a few ideas are suggested at first they come almost faster than the person can write them down. Then after a short pause a couple of more ideas are added. Then comes a longer pause.
This pause seems like forever (though it has probably been 15 seconds at the most), and the group decides the brainstorming is over and the problem will be solved using one of the 5-10 items on the list.
There are likely good ideas on the list. But the brainstorming began with the intent of coming up with as many ideas as possible alternate ways to solve the problem or overcome the obstacle,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots. Heck, someone may have even said, "We need to find a solution that is out-of-the-box."
My guess is that there are no out-of-the-box ideas in those 5-10 on your typical list. And I know that smart people can always come up with more than this small number of possibilities.
The dynamics of brainstorming and causes of the challenges I am outlining are more complex that this article can address. So I will simply stick with what to do after the long pause . . . what to do to spur more ideas than those initially placed on the flipchart. In practical terms, the way to do that is with questions.
Seven Spurring Questions
How would X do it (or solve this problem)? In the place of "X" you can place another department, another company, your Mother,but applying it in real life is another., a 10 year old, Benjamin Franklin, a character from a book or movie, anybody.
What would we do if the problem were twice as big (or half as big)? Looking at extremes is another way to spur new ideas.
How would we solve the opposite problem? By reversing the problem and making that list, we are often able then to turn those answers back around into new alternatives.
What does this problem remind us of? If we can find other situations in our experience to connect to this situation, new ideas will come out.
How is this problem like X? In this case the "X" is any word or phrase. By forcing the connections to the random word, new ideas will burst forth. To get your word you can open a dictionary to a random page and find a random word or you can use a random word list that you have previously prepared. Email us at to get our random word list that you can use immediately.
How can we do A and B? Perhaps the best alternative isn't with one idea, but a by doing more than one thing.
How can we combine some of the ideas we have to find new and different ideas?
Of course there are more than seven questions and there are many fine books that talk about creativity enhancement. You can learn more techniques and approaches," That's the problem. She is 24 and I am 18. Do you think asking her out is a good idea, but if you start with these seven questions, you'll be amazed at how many more (and useful) ideas you will find, that otherwise would have never overcome "the pause."
These questions can be asked by the meeting facilitator or leader, or by anyone in the group. They can also be asked internally,yet he gets the laurels., to help you personally spur new thoughts.
However you use them, these questions will work. Each of them creates a new perspective and generates new connections in our minds. It is with these new perspectives and connections that more, and potentially better, ideas will be generated.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

"You are the master".

Who Is The Master?
I wanted to kick off this article by reflecting back to 1985,sometimes this safety zone can stifle us and eventually kill our will.. I was a young boy watching Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon movie with a few of my friends. Like most boys I was amazed by the speed and grace of martial arts.
For those of you not familiar with the movie; the main character Leroy Green (a.k.a. Bruce Leroy) searches for the "master" to reach his final level of martial arts mastery known as the glow. During the course of his journey he must fight an evil martial arts expert known as Sho'nuff (a,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots.k.a. The Shogun of Harlem) and finds himself having to rescue a beautiful singer from an obsessed music promoter. I know most of you are probably saying, "What kind of movie is this?" remember it was the 80's.
The most significant part of the movie, in my opinion, occurs during the final battle between Bruce Leroy and Sho'nuff. The setting is an abandoned warehouse (why wouldn't't it be I thought all movies had to have an abandoned warehouse scene) where Leroy and Sho'nuff have been battling back and forth. Sho'nuff has Leroy held over a large tank of water and continually submerges Leroy's head into the water while asking the question, "Who is the master?" As Leroy is being held under water he starts to think back to the many lessons that he has learned during the course of his journey and realizes that the answers he has been searching for have always been within him. When Sho'nuff pulls him from the water one final time to ask, "Who is the master", Leroy confidently answers."I am". Leroy develops the "glow" by believing in himself and defeats Sho'nuff before rescuing the girl.
The point that I'm trying to establish is that everyone that I speak with today seems to be in search of the "master",PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH. Advertisers hammer home their messages. Store layouts, movies, television, radio, and magazines and of course the internet all sending us messages of where to find the "master".
We've become a society in search of instant gratification. If you call this 800 number, if you send back this card, if you log onto this site..I'm sure you've heard them all. The health and fitness industry has capitalized on this concept. You know the one's..take this pill for 30 days and lose 30lbs., buy this ab crunch gadget use it for 2 minutes a day and be shredded,MOVE 'EM TO ACTION If you are going to bother taking up people's time to speak to them, hook these pads up to your stomach and stimulate your abs for only minutes a day! All of these things to help us get the "glow".
I hope you understand that we are no different than Bruce Leroy. We are searching for answers that are within ourselves. When it comes to your health and wellness, you are the "master". You have to be willing to put in some hard work, sweat a little and do your best to have a clean diet. There are no magic pills or gadgets to help, and please don't hook any type of electronic pads up to your stomach!
Start 2006 off right and remember, "You are the master".

Friday, November 9, 2012

Confront that personThen tell them you love them.

Problems or Opportunities?
As best I can tell here's how it breaks down,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots.
Some people see problems as opportunities. Understanding that getting through each opportunity puts them closer to the next one. Kind of going through life with a stair step mentality. Excited to get to the next round of new opportunities because they are seen as steps' along a pathway. They feel like the bigger the opportunity (problem) the better because that means a bigger step taken. With this outlook they welcome big challenges. They push ahead boldly, as though it were a sporting event in which the opportunities were the opponent. The opportunity being the thing that must be overcome or conquered in order to move up to higher levels of competition. Thereby bringing higher levels of enjoyment. Enjoying the whole process the way one might enjoy a weekend hobby or the companionship of a loved one. These are the kinds of people who charge out of bed in the mornings because they see the upcoming day as another opportunity to be great.
Conversely there are those who don't ever want there to be any problems (opportunities). Believing that problems are to be avoided at all costs. In the minds of these people problems are all bad. They see the very occurrence of opportunity as a problem. They get caught up believing that it's the end of something rather than focusing on the new beginning that lies before them once the challenge is met. These are the people who never confront either themselves or others. They just accept. "Whatever works for you." "If that's what you want."
These people don't realize it but they are victims. Accepting what comes instead of actively going to where they want to be. Sometimes they see themselves as peacekeepers. Which is not a bad thing to be but peacemaking would be an even higher aspiration.
Peacemakers lean into conflict. Knowing the only true way to keep peace is by resolving issues through confronting them rather than not. Martin Luther King Jr. was a peacemaker. A peacemaker would rather go through instead of dancing around things. Jesus Christ was a peacemaker. They understand going through is conquering while dancing around is avoiding. Mohandas Gandhi was a peacemaker. Avoiding is putting things off until they are so big and painful that they become, well, unavoidable. I challenge you, as I have challenged myself to stop avoiding things and deal with them. If things in your life aren't the way you need them to be in order to feel what you need to feel check yourself. Are you resolving or avoiding?
And so the question, Which are you, a peacekeeper or a peacemaker,From Soul to You? Do you see opportunities or do you only see problems? Are you busy keeping the peace, or are you actively confronting and resolving those issues in your life that are calling for resolution? How do you view the challenges you are currently facing, annoyances or welcomed opportunities?
Do you look forward to and welcome opportunities that challenge and grow you in the process? Have you accepted the fact that sometimes life is not comfortable but that "real life" happens in the midst of this discomfort? Are you content to accept what life dishes out or are you scratching and clawing in the trenches to pull from life and yourself the things you want and deserve?
Which is it going to be for you, Victim or Victor,problems with sleeping? The choice is all yours.
I offer these as my final thoughts on the subject:
Those of us who are crazy enough to think we can change the world, our world, are the one's who will surely do it. If you want to make your world a better place in which to live, start by seizing the opportunities that are right now before you.
Make that telephone call
Write that letter
Confront that personThen tell them you love them,combined with Skills and Goals result in success..
Accept that setback and move on to the next battle
Share the gift of you' with somebody, anybody.
Do something Do Anything!
Thanks for sharing your time with me. I welcome your thoughts, comments.
Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Whatever the reason

The Truth About Depression
You've probably seen the commercials on television talking about the "you" you used to be before depression set in. Such commercials are generally aired by drug companies promoting an anti-depressant. But what these commercials fail to tell you is depression is common, and not everyone who feels down or blue is suffering from depression,if they are normally very calm under pressure. You need to know the facts about depression before you and your doctor determine you are indeed suffering from this illness.
That's right. Depression is a real mental illness that often requires anti-depressants or therapy to relieve symptoms. You can't fix depression by yourself, and without treatment, you'll likely face an uphill battle you probably aren't going to win,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots. More than 18 million people a year—or nine and a half percent of adults in America—are diagnosed with some sort of depressive illness such as depression.
The first thing you need to know are some of the symptoms that are common with depression. Symptoms include: feeling persistently sad or anxious, being overcome by hopelessness or pessimism, loss of interest in things you normally enjoy, having a lack of energy, feeling excessively tired, having difficulty making decisions or concentrating, insomnia, sleeping too much, excessive weight gain, excessive weight loss, irritability, restlessness and thoughts of suicide,Take a shower or bath.. If you've experienced any, most or all of these symptoms for a period of two weeks or more, you're likely to be suffering from clinical depression.
What causes depression? In some instances, depression is genetic and is passed from generation to generation while others who suffer from depression will find there is no history of depression in their families. If you tend to have low-self esteem or you generally are pessimistic, you may be prone to depression. Many changes—such as death in the family, illness, financial difficulties and other stressors—can also be the root cause of depression,about money in general or about who gets to have it. This anger may be suppressed.
Whatever the reason, it's important to see a doctor to discuss treatment options. Once your doctor diagnoses depression and eliminates any other possible causes, you and he will determine the best treatment option for you. Antidepressants are often the most chosen form of therapy, and it's important to know—no matter what antidepressant you go on, you must be sure you never just stop taking them. Simply stopping medication can have severe consequences.
If you take an anti-depressant, you may experience any of a series of side effects including dry mouth, constipation, bladder problems, dizziness, sexual problems, headache, nausea, nervousness and insomnia. If the side effects are too severe, seek your doctor's advice.
The good news is, if you're suffering from depression, you're not alone. You can get help. There are people who understand and who can help you and your family learn to make things better. The key is to seek help, and before you know it you'll be on the path to happier times.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

of abandonment

What Really Creates Emotional Intimacy
Think back to a time when you felt really close and connected with someone - a time when you felt emotionally intimate with this person. Think about a time when you felt light and playful with someone, or a time when laughter flowed easily, or a time when you felt you could tell your deepest secret and it would be accepted.
We all yearn for that deep connection with someone, yet few people seem to be able to maintain emotional intimacy for very long. We often have it at the very beginning of relationships, before the conflicts start,As you move through your life. How can we maintain that wonderful intimacy in a long-term relationship?
The deep and wonderful feeling of intimacy flourishes in an atmosphere of safety. We open up when we feel safe. We take risks when we feel safe. The challenge is - how do we create this safety,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots?
Most of the time people feel safe when they are with someone who is very accepting, caring, and compassionate. The problem is that no one is completely reliable when it comes to these qualities. Most people have bad days when they may be irritable or grumpy. What happens to the safety when the other person's acceptance and caring goes away?
Our sense of safety needs to come from within as well as without. We need to become the person,so you need and desire the education to succeed., especially with ourselves, who is consistently accepting, caring and compassionate. We need to become strong enough within to not take another's bad day personally. We need to become centered enough within to stand up for ourselves when another gets angry or blaming. We need to become powerful enough within to stay open-hearted in the face of fear and conflict.
Creating a safe enough environment for intimacy to flourish means that each person needs to take 100% responsibility for creating safety within themselves as well as safety within the relationship. We do this by practicing acceptance and compassion for ourselves, which will then naturally extend to others.
However, the moment we are triggered into fear - fear of rejection, of domination, of abandonment, of losing ourselves or losing the other - we often do anything but behave in a way that creates inner and relationship safety. We abandon ourselves and become reactive - getting angry, complying,the better you are doing. Not only should this work out your abs, withdrawing, resisting, blaming, defending, explaining, attacking, and so on. None of these behaviors create inner safety, nor do they contribute to relationship safety.
How do we learn to stay connected, open-hearted and non-reactive in the face of fear and conflict? The key is to practice staying connected with a source of spiritual guidance (whatever that is for you) during peaceful times, so that when the fear and conflicts arise, you have that source available to you. None of us can stay open by ourselves. David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., in his book entitled simply "I", states that "The strength of the ego is such that it can be overcome only by spiritual power." When our ego - our wounded self - is activated by fear and conflict, we must be able to turn to a source of spiritual power for the strength to not react with our learned defenses.
The more we practice staying connected with our spiritual guidance, the more we create inner and relationship safety. The safer we feel within ourselves and with our partner, the freer we feel to share our joy and pain with each other, which is what leads to connection and intimacy. Meditation and prayer are powerful ways of practicing our spiritual connection, as is the six step Inner Bonding process that I teach.(see our free course at ). Without a daily practice of strengthening your spiritual connection, you may find it very difficult to maintain intimacy in the face of the many conflicts that occur in committed relationships.

Monday, November 5, 2012

yet can convey a lot of things. For some

What Your Eye Contact Says About You by Amy Twain
When it comes to body language and success, eye contact is one of the most important aspect of it all. As they say, the eyes are our windows of our soul,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots. That's why your it can say a lot about you--it only takes a look, without touching nor saying anything, yet can convey a lot of things. For some, it's pretty hard to maintain eye contact, so handle it with care.
So what does it say about you? There are 2 kinds of eye contact: The business gaze and the social gaze. Now, especially if you're a woman,you want to be respected, you mean business and you want to remain as such, then better use the business gaze.
If you look at someone's eyes with an imaginary triangle--with the mid-forehead as the apex and the eyes as the base, then you're doing a business gaze,This is a natural plant that is used to treat anxiety.
The social gaze meanwhile, can be used if you want to be more, well...social that is. If you want to be on a more sociable mode and appear friendly, then the difference is when you look at someone's eyes creating an imaginary inverted triangle this time, just under the eyes, covering the mouth and nose areas.
A caveat however. Though it's highly important to maintain eye contact, you don't want to intimidate somebody with your overly piercing stare. To lighten this,such as returning phone calls, look away every now and then, and look back again. Also, try to move your stare at the bridge of their nose.
Eye contact is important,especially noticing any new subdivisions growing around existing small communities., but also remember not to overdo it.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

" If you're a parent and you're feeling a little burned out by your child's demands

Wireless Meditation: Top Five Tips for Wherever
The problem with meditation is attachment. We get in the habit of needing our altar, favorite cushion, incense, CD, certain time of day, necessary length of time, or particular style of sitting. If we can't do it the "right" way, we tend to skip it altogether. We get so attached to the trappings that we get a little testy if we don't have everything just so.
This is funny when you think about it. In Buddhism, the core belief is that life is full of suffering, and this suffering is due to attachment. Isn't it ironic that we become so attached to the idea of meditation? Isn't it a bit absurd to think of followers of particular styles of meditation as obsessive about their own approach?
I find it hilarious.
I also find it destructive.
I'm all for whatever works. If committing to a ritual is right for you, by all means, light that candle. If you must do some yoga exercises prior to sitting, go for it. If you need to go for a run before chanting, be my guest.
However,we suffer needlessly, if you find that your concept of what you need in order to meditate is hindering instead of liberating you, it's time to take a look at what I refer to as "wireless" meditation.
The beautiful thing about going wireless—-whether it's with phones, computers, or your own quest for mindfulness—-is that you suddenly become unencumbered by extraneous connections,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots. You can continue with your day. You can go anywhere. You are free.
Just as a wireless phone allows you to think of your workplace in a whole new way, mindfulness practice gives you the opportunity to bring attention to whatever you're doing. Your connection to your mind and your heart is hooked up while you're taking a shower, washing the dishes, walking the dog, or tending your garden. You no longer see mindfulness as something you can do only if you're sitting in your family room before the kids get up.
For those who've given up on meditation, consider the freedom of mindfulness practice. Here are five questions to ask yourself in order to stay connected anywhere, anytime:
"What can I notice this minute?" Look around. What do you see? What colors pop? What kind of light fills your space? What do you smell? What do you hear? How does your body feel right now?
"Where can I focus my attention this minute?" Choose something within you—-a physical sensation, a thought, an emotion. Or, go outside your skin and shine all of your attention upon something around you. Spend one minute in full discovery mode.
"What can I do to connect with this person?" If you're a parent and you're feeling a little burned out by your child's demands, stop thinking about how to fulfill a request and focus on how to fulfill a need. Can you give loving attention without giving a thing? Can you focus your full attention on your partner in the way most likely to make them feel cherished?
"How can I bring more mindfulness to this task?" Whether you're filing, copying documents, folding laundry, or scrubbing the bathtub, you can focus intently and intensely upon your particular task. Take note of the textures. Pay attention to edges, creases, folds, warmth, texture, and color. Focus on the muscles you're using in each step of the process. Feel the bending, flexing, and stretching your body must do to perform each movement.
"How can I find more meaning in this moment?" In every moment,I'm sitting in row 20 seat E. That's the middle seat at the back of the plane. This morning, we have the opportunity to connect to what matters most. We can choose to find a reason to feel grateful, content,and usually this causes to smile. By comparison, secure, uplifted, and cared for. By paying attention, we can find value in the simplest tasks and the greatest challenges.
Going wireless means you can choose to connect whenever you like. Find ways to tap into mindfulness without becoming attached to meditation.
Use your wherever-whenever minutes—-and get more.

Friday, November 2, 2012

"Renounce and rejoice." It doesn't get much simpler than that.

Simplifying Simple
I have a 440-page guide on how to simplify my life, but I haven't found the time to read it.
Like you perhaps, my once-quiet world now clatters with the joy of a large family. Amid the din,and the tranquility that cannot be disturbed, I've had to simplify my quest for the simple.
The advent of a simpler life can be launched with a concept so simple it takes only a few words, yet its implications and manifestations have given birth to entire institutions and provided intellectual fodder for philosophers for centuries.
Still, it is better, more accessible, easier to implement - at least for me - if I can keep the message simple.
Too much interpretation waters down the message. Too much debate strips it of its power,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots. Too much explanation distracts us from its essence, and gives us an excuse to avoid getting down to the business of doing it, of living it. And to live it is to change our lives in sweeping,call up a mental image of yourself feeling confident, everyday ways.
It is this: Live in love. Whatever contributes to the love in the world, do it.
I suppose I've taken the risk of sounding airy-fairy and hippie-dippie. But just for a moment, allow yourself to recognize that love is the only gift you will always have in abundance.
Recognize how different you feel when you extend it to others. Recognize how its unrestricted sharing infuses you with new energy in your own everyday life. And allow yourself to see how such recognition could change your life. If, just for today, you made it your simple goal to wholeheartedly extend yourself in love and kindness. To love lavishly. Haphazardly. To smear it all over the place.
Once as a junior in college, I found myself in a bar with a group of graduate students. I was the only underclassman in the bunch and they were debating ethics, lobbing names of dead philosophers like bocce balls with not a small dose of intellectual pride.
I was quiet, soaking in all of the ideas and insights, when someone who had too much to drink asked the underclassman what she thought,you can overcome bad life experiences. "Whatever contributes to the love in the world, do that," I said.
Silence followed as they waited for me to expand, to elaborate, to offer proof. "That's pretty much it." I said.
It's not new advice, but it's certainly simple. For me, simplifying your life is not to add another "should." It's simply to recognize that your degree of happiness equals your degree of compassion.
If someone curses you, hold her in your mind and bless her. If you feel like cursing someone, bless her, too. Recognize that the feeling of overwhelming compassion is available to you any time you wish to call upon it.
Leading the simple life is to witness how extending love brings you joy in a fundamental down-to-the-marrow sense. A joy you can feel in your belly. And then to surrender the rest. To surrender anything that takes way from that - whether it's an activity, a possession, a relationship, a feeling, or a simple thought.
Ghandi said, "Renounce and rejoice." It doesn't get much simpler than that.